Reporting’s primary function is to present information that is readable. It is a process that takes raw data and transforms it into information that can be used to aid in decision-making. Reporting can help uncover patterns of correlation, causality, and patterns in the data. It is vital to establish a foundation that lets you know what the numbers mean and why they change over time.
When it comes time to interpret data, it’s vital that you have clear questions in your mind prior to creating your next report. This will prevent you from creating a bunch visualizations just to make a point which can be distracting and incompatible with the objectives of your product. In the end, every report should have a clearly defined question to answer, for example: «How do we know that our growth is on the right track?»
While a report could include a variety of metrics, analytics should only concentrate on one. This is because the aim of analysis is to uncover insights, patterns and connections to that particular measure.
As such, the best analytical reports are those that provide clarity and context for a specific product metric over a long period of time. These reports should be based on the client’s business objectives and should help them make forward-looking decisions about their future growth. This can be accomplished by having the analytics department involved in major, regular business reviews to determine if any strategic changes need to be made. They’ll have the largest scope of view regarding the progress toward achieving goals for the product and will be able to continuously run reports that identify fraud, errors, signals, and other threats before they affect revenue or reputation.